Advanced RiderCourse REGISTER

The Advanced RiderCourse is a one-day course for experienced riders who desire to learn and practice more in-depth riding techniques.
The ARC is an action oriented class geared to introduce concepts in time and space management.
The overarching goal is to provide sufficient technical information, dynamic performance feedback, and peer group interaction to achieve an increase in perceptual filtering capacities to reduce risk while riding.
In the classroom the focus is on decision making, goals, and personal limits. Classroom activities use small group discussions and interactive activities to address personal risk management strategies; to discuss options for cornering, braking and swerving; and to improve visual perception to identify collision traps. The intention is to direct and motivate riders to recognize their role in improving their skills while actively applying strategies to reduce the risks of riding. Increase performance while reducing risk...
Riding is fast paced and fun for all motorcycle types. Riders will be challenged in a variety of exercises dealing with the fundamentals of fluid control inputs to precise rider/motorcycle dynamics in both slow speed and higher speed riding. Using your own motorcycle and helmet, you’ll put into practice the techniques of managing traction, stopping quickly, cornering and swerving.
Since the course focuses on the aspect of improving a riders skills it is important to take into consideration your personal comfort with YOUR motorcycle. You will be riding it for the course. You need to be comfortable with basic control and operation of YOUR bike before taking the course. You should feel confident riding in a variety of traffic situations including cornering, stopping quickly, and general maneuvering. You're not required to master your skills prior to the course, it is only suggested that you are comfortable riding your bike, as such, you should only take the course on your bike.
Additional practice to prepare for the ARC. Consider taking either the Basic Bike Bonding RiderCourse (BBBRC) or Ultimate Bike Bonding RiderCourse (UBBRC). Click to find out more...
These are range only courses that strictly focus on the "Bond" between rider and motorcycle. These are fun and exciting classes only a few hours long that put you through an action packed circuit of exercises that challenge your skills.
The ARC, BBBRC, and UBBRC are not testing courses and have no passing requirements. For all courses you must meet the objectives of each exercise before you can continue to the next exercises. This is for YOUR learning and safety!

Curve Adjustments
Objective: To refine skills for curves.
This exercise uses a small circle and a large circle. Riders will practice using two upper body positions, adjusting path of travel, and adjusting speed using brakes.

Cornering & Swerving
Objective: To contrast body position for curves versus swerves and use proper control operation and body position for curves and swerves.
This exercise uses a continuous cornering circuit with a path leading to a swerve area. The exercise helps with improving cornering abilities along with precise and crisp steering inputs.

Decreasing Radius Curves
Objective: To corner skillfully in a decreasing radius curve and to judge quick stop distance.
You will practice riding a path with a series of gates forming a decreasing radius curve followed by a path to practice quick stop judgment.

Gap Analysis & Safety Margins
Objective: To re-orient riders to traffic mix and identify effective safety margins.
This exercise uses two oval paths with an intersection to practice aspects of sharing the road and use of safety margins to establish time and space.
Riding Gear Requirements

Helmet — DOT approved
Helmet - Full-face, 3/4 helmets are acceptable, provided that they meet minimum DOTcertification. Personal helmets are subject to inspection for the DOT certification and that they are in good working condition. 1/2 shell helmets are not permissible.

Eye Protection
Eye protection - Face shield, goggles or some form of sun/eye glasses. They may be tinted or clear. Ordinary prescription glasses may be worn. For night training eye protection must be clear.

Long Sleeves
Long sleeve T-shirt or dress shirt that reaches the wrist or jacket are all acceptable.

Sturdy Pants
You must wear pants! No exceptions. Denim or leather jeans are preferred. All pants are required to have NO holes in them and must come down to the foot. Dress slacks, spandex, leggings, and sweatpants are NOT permissible.

Full-finger Gloves
Must be full finger and cannot be open on the back of the hand or knuckles. Gloves must be motorcycle specific or sturdy leather or synthetic. (Dishwashing gloves and surgeon's gloves are NOT permissible)

Over-the-ankle Boots or Shoes
MUST completely cover your ankle, have little to no heel (NOT cloth, canvas, etc.), and have a good rubber sole for traction.
Thin fabric shoes made of canvas or other non-boot fabrics are not permissible.